A place to put all the different crafty things that I am working on

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lelah and Drops Swing Jacket

I finally got around to taking pictures of my Lelah top! Here they are...sorry I look so down, I am dealing with one hell of a cold and just got home from work....I added straps because it looks better with them...they are just crochet chains with double the yarn. If I don't want the straps, I can push them inside the top and it can be strapless...
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I added short rows so that the top fits really well. Here's a pic of the slope of it....
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I also finished my Drops swing jacket....and I love it! Next time though, I am going to make a size smaller.....so that it fits even better...
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It's very warm and comfortable...I wish I could have found better buttons, but the black ones work as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.