Kristin's Crafty Blog

A place to put all the different crafty things that I am working on

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I moved from the house I grew up in to a house that my mom least for now (my bf and I are thinking about getting a place together sometime in the next year or so)...I finally have time to start knitting and crocheting again. I am working on knitting the Central Park Hoodie...which is coming along nicely. I like that it's a pretty teal green that will match a lot of things in my wardrobe. One of my co-workers is having a baby in a week and a half and I made her a baby blanket...check that out on my flicker page!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Working on projects.....kinda

I have been working a a couple of different projects...but the end of the year was kinda rough...too many people to to do..etc. Anyways. I am working really hard on a couple of things and as soon as one is done, I can get one out of!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cardigan Finally Finished

Thank goodness my hand is better...I am able to craft! Yeah! I wanted to give a little are the projects that I have finished! Yeah!

First is my cardigan which I have finally finished! I love the color! It's definitely going to be a go-to sweater for the spring! Here are the pics:

Pattern: Cropped Cardigan with Leaf Ties
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft Brites in Blueberry (approx 3.5 skeins)
Mods: Shorter body, shorter hem....still a good cardigan!

Second finished is my scarf that I made as a Christmas gift for a friend:

Pattern: Double crochets and chains (Basically made up as I went)
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft in Soft Blue
Mods: none.....this was my own pattern!

That is all that I have to report as of next project to work on is another Christmas scarf for a very good friend! Peace!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Taking a little break...

I know...It's been a while since I did a post, but unfortunately, I have been dealing with an injury the past few days and really haven't knitted...oh well. I did do some knitting before my injury (I think I am getting carpal tunnel in my left wrist...oh the pain!)

Anyways.....let's start with what I have cast on recently. I started my first real knitted lace project! It's Juno Regina, a beautiful stole from Knitty's Fall Surprise! I am using the most amazing hand painted tencel yarn that I won on ebay...Since it is my first real lace project, I am taking my time and making sure that I read the charts correctly and everything! Here's a current picture:

Isn't it beautiful?

I am also working diligently on my Cropped Cardigan from Fitted Knits by Stephanie Japel...and I only have a few more rows of the one sleeve and then the seaming and making the ties..:) I wish I had a picture to show....:(

I have made some great progress on my Clapotis (also from Knitty...gotta love that place...) I have about 4 or 5 more repeats of the straight rows and then the decrease rows.....shouldn't be too long before I can wear it!

It's turning out nice....I love the way the yarn subtly's going to be beautiful when I am done..:)

I also got my first Knit Picks order! It's beautiful yarn! I got some Shine Soprt in a beautiful coral color and some Lace Weight Gosssamer in a color called sweet peas, which is a combo of pinks and purples...

I can't wait to use this yarn!

Tha's all for now...hopefully I will have some FOs soon!

Friday, November 2, 2007


So I joined the online knitting phenomenon...I made a Calorimetry and I love it! I had to heavily modify it because I had been reading on Ravelry that the original cast on was too big.

Pattern: Knitty's Calorimetry
Yarn: Patons SWS in Natural Geranium
Mods: Cast on 96 stitches and only did 8 repeats of row 5

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lelah and Drops Swing Jacket

I finally got around to taking pictures of my Lelah top! Here they are...sorry I look so down, I am dealing with one hell of a cold and just got home from work....I added straps because it looks better with them...they are just crochet chains with double the yarn. If I don't want the straps, I can push them inside the top and it can be strapless...
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I added short rows so that the top fits really well. Here's a pic of the slope of it....
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I also finished my Drops swing jacket....and I love it! Next time though, I am going to make a size that it fits even better...
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It's very warm and comfortable...I wish I could have found better buttons, but the black ones work as well.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


It's been a little while since I blogged about my latest crafty doings....I am pretty close to being finished with the Drops 103-1 Swing Jacket. I just need to finish the second sleeve and then sew the whole thing up and do the collar. I am currently looking for buttons to put on the jacket. I am probably going to put up pics of my completed Lelah....and of the jacket sometime in the beginning of the week (Tuesday-ish). :)