A place to put all the different crafty things that I am working on

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Seaming and Lelah

I finally finished all the knitting on my Dropped Stitch Lace Tank! Yeah! I am going to work on seaming it tonight...I just need to seam the sides, but my seaming skills are not the best. I have also started my Lelah and it's a pretty easy knit....in the round, pretty lace, larger needles than anything I have done clothing wise....we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Work Sucks!

I spent so much time at work this weekend that I wasn't able to work on anything. I worked 13 hours on Saturday, 8.5 on Sunday and 8 hours Monday....pretty crazy. One of the other hostesses is on vacation, so of course we were horribly busy and I wasn't able to get out on time and I had to go in an hour early the past three days....I normally don't work quite that much. I wish I had more time this weekend to work on my projects, but I was WAY too tired. Tomorrow (or should I say today...lol) is a day that I am going to spend trying to finish my Drop Stitch Lace Tank....cross your fingers for me. I also am going to try to make a pillow or 2 for the living room...*note to self: take pics so everyone can see!* I also need to take pics of myself wearing all the things that I have on Ravelry Wish me luck!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Ravelry...where I spend all my time...

I am such a dork. I have spent so much time on Ravelry It's quite funny how a new site can take over your life. I have been on there so many times the past week, I haven't had a chance to even work on the many, many projects that I am working on. I need to do better with working on my various knitting projects (Drop Stitch Lace Tank from Fitted Knits and Summertime Tunic from Interweave Knits). I also have a couple of sewing projects I need to finish. I have a pattern for a Built By Wendy blouse that I need to work on and there is the blouse that I have sitting all cut out on my desk...plus the rest of the pillows that I promised my mom I would make for the living room. Anyways....I am off! I will post some pics soon!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Crafty Blog

I finally did it! I made myself a craft blog! Woo-hoo! Here is where I am going to chronicle all the crafty things that I do...plus some other things whenever the feeling hits me.

Ok. Here is the beginning. I have a few projects that I have in progress...eventually I will show all the things that I have already done, but that is another day....

Here is my Las Vegas scrapbook. Last year in October I went to Las Vegas for the first time! It was a blast and I used my digital camera to the fullest...taking as many pics as I could possibly take...and then I wanted to scrapbook the whole trip, so here are some pics of the pages that I have already done. I have a few more pics to scrapbook, but that will happen when the weather gets a bit cooler and I can sit for hours looking at all the papers I have and all the pics left....

And here is a look at the pics that I still have to scrapbook....

Here is a picture of the dress that I am currently sewing.....It's made out a pretty green jersey material that I bought from Wal-Mart for a dollar a yard. It's a super easy dress...I just haven't had the time to finish it. I have to add the straps and a band on the bottom. I love the way the material feels and looks....it's so comfy as well.

Well...there's the first post here. I am going to work on adding more...trust me!